Sue Webber MSP urges fellow MSPs to back Scottish Conservatives “common sense” proposals ahead of the Scottish Budget Thursday, 21 November, 2024 Scottish Conservative and Unionist MSP Sue Webber for the Lothian Region, has urged fellow MSPs to back “common sense” proposals that her party have put forward ahead of the Scottish Budget next month. Leader Russell Findlay has written to SNP first minister John Swinney setting out plans to reduce income tax, business rates and LBTT. Sue Webber MSP says that this alternative approach would “start... Holyrood News
@EdinburghTories 26th September 2014 We have set up a new Twitter account for the local association from where you will be kept up to date with our campiganing and events across the city. Please... Local News
Lindsay Paterson selected for Edinburgh West 30th April 2014 Local members of the Edinburgh Conservatives have selected Lindsay Paterson as their candidate for the Edinburgh West constituency at the 2015 General Election. Local News
Miles Briggs selected for Edinburgh South 27th April 2014 Local members in Edinburgh South have selected Miles Briggs as their candidate for the 2015 general election. Local News
Gordon Lindhurst selected for Edinburgh South West 22nd April 2014 Local members in Edinburgh South West have selected Gordon Lindhurst to be their candidate for the 2015 General Election. Local News
Edinburgh Conservatives launch new website 17th April 2014 Thank you for your support at the last election. Because of you, David Cameron is the first Conservative Prime Minister in 13 years and the Government’s plans... Local News
Lead European Candidate visits the Royal Observatory 8th April 2014 Our lead candidate for May's European elections, Dr Ian Duncan, joined local Councillor Cameron Rose to tour the Royal Observatory on Blackford Hill. Local News
Edinburgh Conservative Council Blog Launched 25th April 2013 The Conservative Group on Edinburgh City Council have launched their local news blog Local News
Launch of Friends of the Union Edinburgh 1st November 2012 Last night, Ruth Davidson MSP and Gavin Brown MSP launched Conservative Friends of the Union Edinburgh at the Eric Liddell Centre in Morningside. Local News
Cameron Rose elected Leader of the Council Group 8th October 2012 Southside/Newington Councillor Cameron Rose was today elected as Conservative Group Leader on Edinburgh City Council, succeeding Jeremy Balfour, who stood down... Local News
Revealed: Labour’s plan to let criminals avoid prison 5th December 2019 Labour’s policy to scrap prison sentences of under six months would lead to a surge of offenders on our streets, risking public safety. National News
The first 100 days of a Conservative majority government and the choice before the British people 4th December 2019 Our Conservative plan for getting Brexit done so that we can unleash Britain's potential is in stark contrast to the gridlock, dither, delay and uncertainty of... National News
Exposed: Labour plot with RMT behind rail strike chaos 3rd December 2019 Rail union leaders and the Labour Party have boasted that they are "working together" to "bring down" the government at this month's election through a campaign... National News
Brexit is a once in a generation opportunity to strengthen our border security 1st December 2019 Brexit provides a once in a generation opportunity to strengthen the security of the UK border. National News
Boris Johnson sets out the details of the Khan case 1st December 2019 The terrible Khan case has highlighted a complicated area of law. There have been many inaccuracies reported about this case over the last 24 hours. Here are... National News
John McDonnell admits that those on low incomes would pay higher taxes under Labour 30th November 2019 John McDonnell's admits that those on low incomes would pay higher taxes under Labour. National News