The Edinburgh Conservatives' will be hosting the first meeting of the Policy Forum on Friday 30th November at 7 pm at the Mockingbird Bar, 72-74 Newington Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1QN.
Our local meeting of the Policy Forum will feed into the party's Scottish Policy Forum (SPF) which serves an integral part of the Scottish Conservatives’ policy review process and is the most direct way for supporters to get involved in policy development.
At the first meeting will be discussing the recently devolved issue of Social Security. You can find the paper we will be discussing by downloading it here.
The discussion will be fun and informal and don't worry there is no need to be an 'expert' to take part.
A report of the meeting will be written up of all the views expressed at the meeting and submitted to the SPF. All members and supporters of the party are welcome to attend.
Policy Discussion Evening
Friday, 30th November 2018